Having the right perspective

Everyone faces problems, but how we view them determines whether we enjoy life or we endure it. It’s really not the size of the problem that’s important, it’s our perspective of that problem, it’s how big or how small we make it in our own mind. You can have a huge problem, but if you know that God is in control and that he is working behind the scenes, because you have the right perspective it won’t get you down. But you can have even a small problem, and if you stay focused on it, you go around worried, thinking it’s never going to work out- because you have the wrong perspective it will end up stealing your joy.

David said in Psalms “Magnify the lord with me”. When we magnify something, we are not changing the actual size of that object, we are changing our perspective of that object. David was saying in effect don’t magnify your problem, magnify your God. When you face difficulties, it’s good that you look back on your life and remember all the things that God has brought you through. Remember the times that God made a way when you didn’t see any way, the times God protected you, the doors He supernaturally opened for you. When you remember these things, it will build your faith, and you will know that if He did it in the past He will do it in the future.

The Scripture says in 2Corinthians 4:17 “For our light affliction which is only for a moment”. Notice it says our adversity our affliction is light. It may feel heavy, in our minds it may be big, but if we will keep the right perspective no matter what comes our way, no matter how impossible it looks, we have to remind ourselves, this is just a light affliction, in other words, I can handle it, it’s no big deal, God is still in control. If you keep the right attitude God will turn that stumbling block into a stepping stone. The greatest forces are on the inside.

Apostle Paul have suffered many adversities but at the end he was able to say ‘It’s just a light affliction’. And the truth is, it may be difficult, but realize some people will love to have your life, so, instead of focusing on what’s wrong just have in mind that this challenge is a light one.


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